Pandemic Weight Loss
Susan C. Leavitt
According to the dictionary, Wellness is defined as "the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal."
In my youth, I equated "Wellness" and "Good Health" with physical fitness and weight loss (things I am constantly working on!) and while those things are still very important, I also began to realize that I needed to take care of my spiritual side and explore different coping methods to help me deal with such things as personal tragedy and chronic pain.
I am so lucky to have met Sandy Miranda, the owner of Thumbtastic, a wonderful place in Falmouth where I was able to get help with my goals. It is a safe space and accepting of who I am. All I am required to do is make the effort to participate in the services and classes offered. I get regular full body massages to help relieve my pain. I also take an array of fitness classes from Pound sticks to Tai Chi to help keep my body and mind centered, open and alert. I am much better at dealing with the stresses of daily living and emotional trauma than ever before.
I quite honestly do not know where I would be without Sandy!